Training & Facilitation

Drawing on 20+ years of experience, MATRIX is well known for its ability to deliver or facilitate training programs and develop skills of the business and rural community, making them aware of the issues that arise and train them to the highest standards.
MATRIX delivers training in a variety of subjects. Our trainings include subjects and issues from these areas of business:

Good Business Governance
Effective Leadership/Role of Directors 
Basic Finance
Financial Management
Full cost recovery
Project Management (Joint)
Strategic & Operational Planning 
Peace Building/Conflict Transformation
Equality Section 75 awareness
Social Inclusion through collaborative project development
Effective Community Communication
Basic Evaluation techniques
Project Sustainability
Developing Social Enterprises
Small Business Management 
Recruitment of Volunteers/members
Preparation of Applications/Tenders
Community Development Support
Quality Management Systems
Rural Development 
Agriculture/Farm Diversification 
Renewable Energy
Environmental Issues 
Rural Tourism 

MATRIX employs a range of qualified staff and associates to deliver quality training tailored to meet individual or group needs.

MATRIX has also developed a set of value for money training programs that are facilitated by experienced professionals. MATRIX also offers videoconference training, which is a new method of delivering training from a central base to clients
within the confines of their own premises with access to ICT.