SP McCaffrey & Co
Integra International - www.integra-international.com
HM Revenue & Customs - www.hmrc.gov.uk
Revenue Commissioners - www.revenue.ie
Institute of Taxation - www.tax.org.uk
Institute of Taxation in Ireland - www.taxireland.ie
Currency Exchange Rates - www.xe.com
MATRIX Business Services
NI Grants Directory - www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk
Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 - www.dardni.gov.uk/index/grants-and-funding/rural-development-funding
Invest NI - www.investni.gov.uk
Intertrade Ireland - www.intertradeireland.com
Enterprise Ireland - www.enterprise-ireland.com
Tradelinks - www.tradelinks2.com
Business Grants in UK and Ireland - www.j4b.co.uk
European Union Funding Programmes - www.eugrants.org